Sue’s Painting

Sue’s Painting

The blue arch over fire’s horizon
blood and ocean
as complete as clouds allow
reaches Sue
and is affixed to the canvass

Is that smoke ascending
to the south, billowing purple?
And the parrots watching 
are they yellow bibbed warriors 
or simply her imagination, yours
and mine?

By |2012-02-15T12:34:03+00:00February 15th, 2012|New Poems, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Sue’s Painting

Wislawa Symborska

We lost a treasure of a poet on Wednesday.  The depth and simplicity of  Wislawa Symborska’s work reflect a great soul who has left us and who will be missed.


True love. Is it normal,
is it serious, is it practical?
What does the world get from two people
who exist in a world of their own?

Placed on the same pedestal for no good reason,
drawn randomly from millions, but convinced
it had to happen this way–in reward for what? For nothing.
The light descends from nowhere.
Why on these two and not others?
Doesn’t this outrage justice? Yes it does.
Doesn’t it disrupt our painstakingly erected principles,
and cast the moral from the peak? Yes on both accounts.

Look at the happy couple.
Couldn’t they at least try to hide it,
fake a little depression for their friends’ sake!
Listen to them laughing–it’s an insult.
The language they use–deceptively clear.
And their little celebrations, rituals,
the elaborate mutual routines–
it’s obviously a plot behind the human race’s back!

It’s hard even to guess how far things might go
if people start to follow their example.
What could religion and poetry count on?
What would be remembered? what renounced?
Who’d want to stay within bounds?

True love. Is it really necessary?
Tact and common sense tell us to pass over it in silence,
like a scandal in Life’s highest circles.
Perfectly good children are born without its help.
It couldn’t populate the planet in a million years,
it comes along so rarely.

Let the people who never find true love
keep saying that there’s no such thing.

Their faith will make it easier for them to live and die.

By |2012-02-04T02:47:00+00:00February 4th, 2012|New Poems, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Wislawa Symborska

Next to Nothing

No greater than the sum

of cancer’s brigade

advanced over the border

at 57th Street 

to your skin

Smaller than the gem 

on you thumb

pointing strontium

to flee from


Oh tiny

as the pretext for war

all gadgetry’s required

to inflate

A few piranha at your feet

One fine anopheles

The little tse tse 

Pretty grains of wheat missing


minute still

ripped from terraced hill

in deluge down to wayside ditch

and swelling up and splitting




    Published Synaesthesia




By |2012-02-04T02:07:08+00:00February 4th, 2012|New Poems, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Next to Nothing


       “Those who cannot remember
the past are condemned to repeat it”           

The back rooms were bus
as Napoleon started to fall
and new types of murder were devised
for the future and map change

In the sophisticated theater of the absurd
two hundred years later
a million lieutenants believed
they were holding golden apples

and the people didn’t how to read
aside from the engineers of evil
the 2nd or 3rd in command
with their pipeline to Puppet for a Day

So it was was repeated one more time!
with guffaws or with shrieks from the tortured
as the birds faded, the cicadas electrically buzzed
and a few stomachs gurgled, after the banquet

Published Durable Goods 39

By |2012-02-04T01:46:10+00:00February 4th, 2012|New Poems, Uncategorized|Comments Off on History


Several     2010


I wanted to do a somersault

at the height of senectitude

But my eye glasses cracked

and three bones couldn’t perform

So I took up acting

My dog crossed the stage

at the climax and barked

The audience was confused

as I stood in the wings

and she cocked her head

under the lights gazed at me

awaiting my words and my voice,

which were her music

Feb.22, 2010


The bones are growing

but brain is folding up

You’’re on a trip

a vacation

not a care in your head

Drink your milk, they say

you obey with exquisite fromage

to live a century and a half

more than your bible has promised

Now what?

You don’t ask

the stations of your cross

are new

and special

They pleasure you

at each

Even the whips are a good

in this life of queens

and kings

the earth neatly divided

a blind fold when your new vehicle

passes beggars on the road

and a few lepers

as you head for the next stop

and give yourself to your masters



The squirrels were scurrying

Three of them frolicking

or mating

in the trees

fronded boughs obscuring

what was happening

But there were flashes

of movement

feelings of happiness

a pigeon passing overhead

and a pencil that followed

jotting it down

May 2010


I was a bit remiss

Forgive me

There was a car race, a ball game, a

broken connection to the internet

and the latest technological wonder

come to town

Nothing personal, no slight in this

I swear it

Simply that my recall failed

so that I remembered a day late

which was too late

And now I can’t tell you!

So I display my burdened time

to readers who are confirm

in others’ words

regretting that you’ve departed for good

as I stop a moment and realize

what seemed to be a mental entity

was your flesh and your blood

May, 2010

By |2010-06-20T22:17:13+00:00June 20th, 2010|New Poems, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 2010

Some Didn’t Love Him..for Mohammed Ali, with love and appreciation

Before he was undisputed champion

they’d detract from his skill

wanting him to take blows for dollars.

But he was smart and gained the crown

taking as few punches as possible,

quick on his feet,  weaving in the ring

in a way that confounded

some thinking no fight had been fought at all

and that they had  been cheated.


After that he changed his name which freaked them.

Who’d ever heard of Mohammed

American star?

Then, he refused to support the  war

against straw hat peasants,

rejecting the certain adulation

of troops, sent to die

for the notions and greed of established men.

For this, he gave up his splendid career

and went to jail, a  true believer.


Later he supported old age homes

and led a plain family life,

shaking like many before him,

speaking with excruciating effort,

he who is always my hero,

the greatest of all


Some Didn’t Love Him

with love and appreciation for Mohammed Ali



Before he was undisputed champion

they’d detract from his skill

wanting him to take blows for dollars.

But he was smart and gained the crown

taking as few punches as possible,

quick on his feet,  weaving in the ring

in a way that confounded

some thinking no fight had been fought at all

and that they had  been cheated.


After that he changed his name which freaked them.

Who’d ever heard of Mohammed

American star?

Then, he refused to support the  war

against straw hat peasants,

rejecting the certain adulation

of troops, sent to die

for the notions and greed of established men.

For this, he gave up his splendid career

and went to jail, a  true believer.


Later he supported old age homes

and led a plain family life,

shaking like many before him,

speaking with excruciating effort,

he who is always my hero,

the greatest of all








By |2009-08-16T17:51:59+00:00August 16th, 2009|New Poems, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Some Didn’t Love Him..for Mohammed Ali, with love and appreciation
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