Poems Recently published

“About,” Waymark, 2016
“Another Dog Day,” Like Light: 25 Years Word Thursday Anthology 2017
“Archeology,” Magnolia Review, 2017
“Balloon Buddha,” Magnolia Review, 2017
“Both Ways,” Voices from Here, 2017
“Floating Off,” Home Planet News, 2017
“Ghosts,” What History Trammels, 2011
“New July” Durable Goods 2013
“Out of Here,” Hudson Valley Transmitter, 2017
“Seventeen Ropes,” Home Planet News, 2017
“Solstice Light.” Poetry Journal in Print, Viet Nam 2017
“Spam,” Home Planet News, 2017
“Stolen,” Loss Lit UK, 2017
“The Step,” Waymark, 2017
“Thieves,” Cod Hill Press, Anthology, 201
“Too Slow,” Sun Light Press, 2018
“Victory,” Waymark, 2016
“Word Craft,” Like Light: 25 Years Word Thursday Anthology,

By |2018-05-27T14:45:41+00:00May 27th, 2018|Publications|Comments Off on Poems Recently published
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