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Join Roberta Gould and Guy Reed for a hour of poetry on Saturday, September 17, 7 PM.

This event will be livestreamed on the Green Kill Sessions YouTube Channel and will be open to a live audience of 30. Tickets are 5 dollars. Go here to purchase tickets:


Please consider helping the poets and Green Kill. These times are hard for performance spaces.

There are two Eventbrite ticket categories:
Please note that if you are buying tickets for someone else, you must use their email address when filling out the Eventbrite form otherwise the ticket holder will not be able to access the event. Eventbrite recognizes the email address of the buyer only.

Live audience
Audience members who wish to attend a performance in-person will reserve a ticket to attend the livestream event.

In addition, in-person audience members will also receive a livestream link which they can watch later.

This audience is limited to 30.

Because COVID is still a potential hazard guests attending the livestream in person must be masked and vaccinated.